This post is a mash up of Eloise's 2 year check up stats and Birthday Party highlights. At her 2 year check up, Eloise was in full performance mode. When the nurse was asking me questions about Eloise's development, she chimed in multiple times. The best one was when the nurse asked, "Can Eloise name parts of her body?" Eloise says, "Yes...Nose (points to nose)...Eyes...Ears...Neck...Arm" and so. I was cracking up! The nurse and her doctor said that she is ahead of the game with her talking. Hmmm, I wonder where she gets that from?? Here are here stats: Height: 35 inches (86%) and Weight: 29lbs 8.7oz (82%). I did one of the height predictors on Baby Center for Eloise based off of her current height/weight/age and ours. It said she will be 5' 7. I'm not surprised seeing as she is already more than half my height.
As we start this journey of the next year ahead of the possible "terrible twos," I'd like to highlight some of the sweeter things that Eloise does....
When she comes in bed with us in the morning to wake up, she always sits on Mommy's side of the bed and wraps her little arm around my neck and says, "Cuddle, Mommy." When I put her to bed at night, she now requests that I lay down in her bed with her and read to her. After that she requests that I sing either "Twinkle, Twinkle" or "You are my sunshine." If I sing "Sunshine" as she calls it, she will sing along. It's the best. When you ask her what Daddy says, she says, "I love you" and hugs herself. Daddy taught her how to give bear hugs so she regularly requests that too.
Eloise's 2nd Birthday Party at Cosley Zoo
I found this shirt on Etsy and it really sparked the theme for the party - Neigh, Oink, Quack, Moo..I am Two. The shop owner customized it to match her skirt. We found her skirt at Bass Pro Shops. Sometimes, it pays to be a hunter's wife.

My mom snapped this photo of me setting up the Sweets & Treats table which I entitled "Fill up your feed bag." And yes, I was wearing a flannel shirt to go with the farm theme. Daddy was too!
This is Eloise's Ranch. I bought the lollipops but assembled the ranch myself. I used a green foam base for floral arrangments, a bag of popsicle sticks, some "straw" and tons of glue.
This is Eloise's Ranch. I bought the lollipops but assembled the ranch myself. I used a green foam base for floral arrangments, a bag of popsicle sticks, some "straw" and tons of glue.

Check out the Barn photo booth. Uncle Brian & Aunt AJ were good sports and let me snap their photo right when the party started. The kids had a great time playing with it as well as the inflatable farm animals.

We had a wide variety of age groups at the party so I decided to come up with a scavenger hunt for kids and parents to do throughout the party. It was a big hit with the kids and they did a great job hunting around the Zoo to find all the items.
Last, but not least...
Check out the video slideshow of Eloise: Year 2
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