In August 2010, I walked down to Hines Child Care Center with my BFF, $10 for the wait list fee in hand & a prayer in my heart that I'd be pregnant sooner than later. Fast forward 2 years later, we welcomed you, Eloise Joy Kalins, on August 31, 2012. Now 5 years later in late August 2017, you have said goodbye to the only school/daycare that you've known since 13 weeks old and embarked on new journey at St Mike's where you are celebrating your 5th birthday with a new teacher and classroom of new friends.
Eloise, you are absolutely the coolest & smartest person that I know. Every day you amaze me with the things that you know, the topics that you have questions about and the crazy stories you tell. Your imagination is only matched by your flare for drama or your stubbornness. God help us when you are a teenager! I hear this about 25 times a day unless it's the weekend and then it's more like 100..."Mommy? Can I tell you something?" We never know what you will say or ask but most of the time, it's something super random. Some of the questions you asks absolutely stump us. When it comes to answering you, there's no tricking you or telling you some phoney-bologna. This year, we have tackled hard topics like cancer/illness, death & dying, God/Heaven/religion and making new friends. I pray that you will always have this sense of wonder and curiosity.
Your fashion sense is remarkable. Girl knows how to mix patterns & accessorize! Headbands all day, Everyday. It's great that you dress yourself every day and do not want feedback or assistance. There hasn't been a cat-themed shirt that we have seen that has not made it into your closet. Somehow you have found a way to wear your cat ears headband to school and everyday functions and look fabulous. Kudos to you my love. Even on a hot summer day, you love a layered look. And who could blame you? You look adorable in a cardigan!
We knew from the very beginning that you would be such a good big sister to your baby brother. Grandma Carrot & I refer to you as "Mama 2." It's cool though because I carried that same title when it comes to my sister and she's 32. Bubbas loves you so much. I know he can be a real pain when he comes in your room at 6am on Saturday to wake you up but it's because he loves you so much and cannot wait to play. I love that you call him "Sweetie" or "Baby" when you talk to him. Thank you for being patient with him and including him when you play. One day, you will be both be so busy with your own friends and activities that I will miss hearing you two play in living room while I make dinner. I won't necessarily miss the wrestling and gymnastics that you do on the couch but I will miss that laughter.
When it comes to toys, you are all about the Barbies. Lately, you have gotten into the Girl Super Heros too. When I ask you about all of your My Little Ponies, you emphatically say, "I'm tired of ponies." Every once in a while, I will see you playing with them in the basement but I know your true love right now is everything Barbie. It's so fun to watch or more so listen to you while you play. Your imagination is amazing! I should really write down half of the scenes that you act out and write a book. No doubt that it would be a best seller. If you are not playing with the Barbies, you are playing dress up. Somehow you always end up casting yourself as some sort of Queen or Princess with a great backstory. I can't wait for the day that you can act in a real play!
The past few months, we have spent a lot of time talking about Kindergarten and getting you ready for your transition to a new school. You have always had such genuine excitement about going to St. Michael's. I secretly love it every time when you say, "St. Michael's" as opposed to "St. Mike's." I don't know why but it makes me smile. This past week you have embraced all the new routines of wearing a uniform, school drop-off, packing a lunch, school rules and after school program. Overall, I think you have done really well with this big transition.

Eloise, my wish for you this next year is that it is filled with lots of love, friendship, excitement, learning and happiness. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. Happy 5th Birthday to my smart, funny, cat-loving, donut-eating, rap song singing, headband-wearing, feisty, beautiful girl.
Love you to the moon & back,
The past few months, we have spent a lot of time talking about Kindergarten and getting you ready for your transition to a new school. You have always had such genuine excitement about going to St. Michael's. I secretly love it every time when you say, "St. Michael's" as opposed to "St. Mike's." I don't know why but it makes me smile. This past week you have embraced all the new routines of wearing a uniform, school drop-off, packing a lunch, school rules and after school program. Overall, I think you have done really well with this big transition.

Eloise, my wish for you this next year is that it is filled with lots of love, friendship, excitement, learning and happiness. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. Happy 5th Birthday to my smart, funny, cat-loving, donut-eating, rap song singing, headband-wearing, feisty, beautiful girl.
Love you to the moon & back,